Section: Software and Platforms

Vercors platform

Participants : Eric Madelaine, Ludovic Henrio, Bartlomiej Szejna, Alexandra Savu, Oleksandra Kulankhina, Dongqian Liu.

The Vercors tools (http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/Vercors ) include front-ends for specifying the architecture and behaviour of components in the form of UML diagrams. We translate these high-level specifications, into behavioural models in various formats, and we also transform these models using abstractions. In a final step, abstract models are translated into the input format for various verification toolsets. Currently we mainly use the various analysis modules of the CADP toolset.

  • We have finished conducting experiments within the Papyrus environment, aiming at the definition of a graphical specification environment combining some of the standard UML formalisms with a dedicated graphical formalism for the architecture of GCM components. We have concluded that Papyrus is not an appropriate environment for our purpose due to the fact that the software is very unstable and badly-documented.

  • We have achieved this year a major port of the frontend of the Vercors, namely VCE, the Vercors Component Editor, that is now based on the Obeo Designer (Eclipse) platform (http://www.obeodesigner.com ). The main motivation, and achievement of this port was to integrate editors for some existing UML formalisms (Class and State-machines) with our GCM architecture editor. The new version of Vercors Component Editor (VCE v.3) has an editor for the GCM Components diagrams integrated with the UML class and state-machines diagrams editors. It also includes a generator of the ADL v.2 specification of the GCM-based architecture and a diagrams validation module.